Fat Pizza and Housos actor Blake Davis, 31, has been sentenced to 5 years and 3 months in prison for the murder of rapper Jett McKee.

David killed McKee on August 10th, 2018 with “one clean, intentional blow” with a samurai sword following a botched home invasion at Davis’s Forest Lodge house. 

As News.com report, a balaclava-clad McKee entered Davis’ flat armed with a replica pistol and knuckledusters, demanding money. The rapper, who had a “toxic to lethal” level of methylamphetamine in his blood, punched Davis in the eye with knuckledusters and threatened his partner Hannah Quinn with the pistol.

Davis chased McKee onto the street with a samurai sword, delivering a fatal blow to the right side of his skull, piercing his brain. Davis and Quinn argued they were acting in self-defence. At trial, Davis argued that he only used the sword to “save Hannah”. He also claimed he had no memory of using the weapon because McKee’s punch had caused a loss of consciousness.

NSW Supreme Court Justice Natalie Adams said that she was satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that Davis had intended to kill McKee.

“Mr Davis wielded an extremely dangerous sword causing a significant injury from which (McKee) could not have recovered,” she said. Adding that the attack “was not a reasonable response in the circumstances.”

“I am satisfied he felt scared and confused,” Justice Adams said, “but that does not adequately explain his actions of hiding evidence, taking things and fleeing.”

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Justice Adams acknowledged that she accepted Davis’ case that he believed Quinn was in danger, rejecting the Crown’s case that he committed the murder “in cold blood.”

“This was not a vigilante attack,” Justice Adams said. “I am satisfied that Mr Davis is very remorseful about taking a life.”

Justice Adams ruled a non-parole period of two years and nine months, due to Davis’ mental health issues, the Fat Pizza actor will be eligible for release from prison as early as August 2023.

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