Father Rod Bower of Gosford Anglican Church has announced that he plans to run for Senate in the next federal election.

Father Bower has established quite a name for himself over the years. He is the priest behind Gosford Anglican Church’s famously woke signs. Bower has repeatedly used the signs out front of his church to criticise the Australian governments’ treatment of asylum seekers, share support for the LGBTIQ and spark a conversation about climate change.

Sign at Gosford Anglican Church

Bower announced his decision to run as an independent at a pro-refugee rally on Saturday. In a statement released, Bower has shared:

“I hope to be one of a number of centrist independents committed to rebuilding the ethical framework of our national parliamentary system.” He continued “The parliament’s inability to act ethically on issues such as climate change, refugees and basic human rights is systematic of a deeper malaise within the two-party-dominated structure which has led to legislation being put forward for reasons other than the common good.”

Sign at Gosford Anglican Church

Bower has shared that if his venture into politics is successful, he will retire his position as priest “to maintain a clear separation between church and state”.

Read about how the Australian Catholic Church secretly owns $30 billion in property here.

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