The next edition of the Finders Keepers market will take place over the weekend beginning Friday December 11, and will occupy Sydney’s Exhibition Hall at the Australian Technology Park.
As ever, the proceedings are geared towards the handmade and the home-sourced, with Finders Keepers co-director Sarah Thornton promising that the event will “spark the imagination rather than merely ticking boxes”.
The market presents itself as a welcome alternative to the crazy Christmas shopping experience provided by retail centres, so those looking for respite from the December crowds need look no further.
The full range of stalls can be accessed at the Finders Keepers blogbut rest assured that the selection of goods is as varied as it is extensive.So, need a present for that slightly off-centre aunt who has a fondness for cushions featuring astro-themed designs? Finders Keepers has you covered.
The Finders KeepersSydney Spring Summer Market begins Friday December 11 and continues through to 4pm on Sunday December 13. The entry fee is $2 at the door.