How did Aunty Donna come to exist?
We needed a name for our Melbourne Comedy Festival application; we had like eight minutes to decide on a name before the application deadline. One of us went, “Just fucking Aunty Donna or something.” Pretty magical stuff really.
Is there a little bit of Aunty Donna in everyone?
Are you baiting me? Is that what this is? Do you want me to make a sperm joke? Is this a trap?
Sketch comedy is undergoing somewhat of a renaissance in comedy circles at the moment. How do you keep it fresh for modern audiences?
It seems like for audiences these days, the YouTube generation, little four-minute jokes played out are actually the norm. Sketch is still pretty lame, but it’s so lame that it’s cool. You know? Is that lame of me to say? Or is it lamely cool?
Who were your idols in the sketch comedy world, starting out?
Monty Python, Monty Python, John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Monty Python, Terry Gilliam, Graham Chapman, and Monty Python.
You made your debut at the Edinburgh Fringe last year, and sold out your season in Melbourne this year. What’s Aunty Donna’s ultimate ambition?
Pay rent for June.
Aunty Donna runs fromThursday June 25 – Saturday June 27 atGiant Dwarf.