1. Growing Up
Doo-wop and Johnny Cash records mixed with the sweet sounds of factories and domestic disputes. Throw in punk rock a little later on top of all that. My dad dished out a bit of chin music in The Willy Lump Lump Band – my childhood affected me in many ways, being a musician… well, that wasn’t one of the ways; that would imply I have some sort of talent. I don’t have that, only perseverance.
2. Inspirations
All the honest ones and the ones that are a little fucked up. I heard Discharge at a drug-infused punk squat house when I was green to all this stuff; State Control at ear-shattering levels while everyone got high and the world was slipping into slow decline outside. I remember it like it was yesterday.
3. Your Band
We are blue-collar tone-deaf troubadours. We hate posers and people that give up. We met in rehab and the organic farmers’ market; we ditched that place when we found out it was a hotbed of communism. Our music tastes are all the same – we all agree on what sucks. We love getting on the Jackie Chans, and a good game of Rugby League football.
4. The Music You Make
We recorded our last album above a Vietnamese bakery that did $3.50 banh mi rolls – yes, you heard correct – and they were amazing. You can expect a whole lot of frustration and energy to manifest itself into ‘fuck you’ anthems for the people that like ‘fuck you’ songs and fast bits that don’t overplay their hands.
5. Music, Right Here, Right Now
We don’t like to think of music as scenes. We are like David Carradine in Kung Fu – we walk the Earth in search of wrongs to right, and on the right night and in the right circumstances, we might find a like-minded bunch of fellow noise exponents; then we talk about the important things. All our favourite bands have broken up, so we are going on tour to find new ones. ■
Housefox Fest 2017, featuring Toe To Toe with Psycroptic, Black Rheno, Na Maza and more, at Narrabeen RSL on Saturday April 22.