1. Growing Up
Although some believe us to be brothers, we actually grew up in different households. Jules’ parents were in the culinary world and he used to steal pots and pans from the kitchen and try to play along to Van Morrison. Will grew up with heroes like David Bowie and Fleetwood Mac as a household staple.
2. Inspirations
Anyone who can balance live and electronic instruments is a standout. Right now we’re listening to William Onyeabor.
3. Your Band
World Champion is William Campion and Julian Sudek. We’re fleshing out the live show as a four-piece at the moment. We’ve also got some amazing collaborations coming up in the future. Our first tune, ‘Avocado Galaxy’, was produced by all-time humanzoid Jono Ma (Jagwar Ma).
4. The Music You Make
We’re suckers for a great melody, so we spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect vocal hook. The aesthetic is whatever we find interesting at the time, but generally speaking vintage synthesizers and guitars are our bread and butter. For us, the key to a live show is about letting go and dancing without a care. There’s plenty of swirling vocals and grooves to keep people on their feet.
5. Music, Right Here, Right Now
The recent restrictions placed on venues in Sydney’s CBD are probably the biggest challenge in the music scene at the moment. That said, the landscape is more colourful than ever. Sampa The Great is fantastic, as well as Green Buzzard and Retiree (to name a few) – lots of different styles but they all take our breath away.
Avocado Galaxyis out Friday December 4 through Future Classic. On Wednesday December 16World Champion play at the Beach Road Hotel; then theyappear at Lost Paradise, Tuesday December 29 – Thursday December 31, Glenworth Valley.