Fraser Anning is back to his usual hatred-fuelled antics, and today he’s issued a fresh roasting aimed at egg boy.

The Sri Lankan Government has blamed the attacks on Islamic extremist group National Thowheeth Jama’ath. Senator Anning didn’t hold back when he used the attacks to announce he was “right all along.”

Anning is known for his belief that there are links between Islam and violence. His controversial views led to one teenage Melbourne boy egging Anning at a media event in Melbourne. ‘Egg Boy’ Will Connolly’s actions were met with mixed responses.

The music industry reacted in support of the young boy, as did plenty of the broader community. On the other hand, right wing activists demanded Connolly be charged.

The controversial Senator has unleashed a tirade on Twitter in the wake of the Sri Lankan bombings. His series of anti-Muslim Tweets took aim at those who disagree with his far-right views.

In one Tweet, aimed at ‘egg boy’ asks “Where is egg boy now.”

In another the politician said: “We can no longer bury our heads in the sand about Islam. This cannot be swept under the rug,”

“I was right all along. Islamic populations do indeed create violence.”

His series of Tweets then continue to detail an anger towards New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. She was pictured wearing a hijab in a move out of respect following the Christchurch shootings just last month.

“Where is all the condemnation around the world on extreme radical Islam,” Senator Anning continued. “Our politicians are quiet. What about the New Zealand PM who is now wearing a hijab, embracing Islam and playing the Islamic call to prayer?”

Anning even went as far as to warn people they’d “face death” if more Islamic people are allowed into Australia.

Mr Anning, I think your time is well and truly over. Good riddance.

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