It has been confirmed that organisers of a proposed punk rock festival to commemorate the murder of music fan Nicholas Sofer-Schreiber are in talks with some of Australia’s premier punk rock acts.
The event is expected to go ahead towards the end of the year, but requires extra fundraising to secure the remaining cash to secure the inaugural December festival.
Saturday April 26 marks the date forDansonfest– happening at the Basement in Canberra – a fundraising gig required to establish the commemorative festival.
It’ll feature artists such asChris Duke and the Royals, Epic Flagon, Lamexcuse, Revellers, Yoko Oh Noand heaps more.
Sofer-Schreiber wasorphaned and legally blind, and when he wastragically murdered earlier this year, tributes came from all over the world to celebrate his life of adversity.
It is hoped that the not yet named commemorative punk festival will embue and timelessly celebrate Nick’s passion for music.
Dansonfestis happening on Saturday April 26, at the Basement in Belconnen, Canberra. From 4pm till late. Tickets are $15.