This huge event just got… uh… huge-er.
FCxMCA, a joint initiative by Future Classic and the Museum of Contemporary Art, has just announced four exciting artists for the January and February shows.
The lineup includes Brisbane’s Wafia, an up-and-comer who may be best known for her transcendent cover of Mario’s ‘Let Me Love You’; poet-cum-rapper Sampa The Great; unhinged house music maestro Anthony Naples; and Sleep D, a duo that make eclectic house and techno music.
Those who attend FCxMCA will also be treated to extended viewing hours within the gallery proper, so if you’re one of those in the Venn Diagram overlap between house music and art appreciation, you’re in luck.
Tickets start at $25 and can be purchased here. The event kicks off on Sunday January 17, and more information can be found on the facebook event page.