Gleebooks will be presentingOrators, a performance dedicated to the greatest public speakers in history.

Orators will celebrate the likes ofCicero, Jesus, Ben Franklin, Noel Pearson, John Adams, Martin Luther King, FDR, JFK, RFK, Teddy Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Barack Obama, Gough Whitlam, Benjamin Disraeli, Abe Lincoln, Chief Seattle, Adolf Hitler, Paul Keating and Jed Bartlet, all fantastic public speakers who had the ability to weild enormous influence with their words.

StarringBob Ellis, Bill Charlton, Andrew Sharp, Monroe Reimers and Mark Connelly, with Robbie Murphy on keyboard,Orators will be an exciting literary event that analyses the power of words and the way they are communicated.

Orators will be performed at Gleebooks on Sunday April 19.

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