Maybe you missed the news, but Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is now available in beta for both Apple and Android users. But what the hell are we even talking about? Excellent question!

What actually is Harry Potter: Wizards Unite?

In a nutshell, this is the Harry Potter version of Pokémon Go, the augmented reality mobile game that took the world by absolute storm. The good news is that it’s created by the same team behind Go, Niantic, so you can expect a much deeper and more polished experience from the get-go as the developers put valuable lessons to use. 

Watch the game’s offical teaser trailer

This time you’ll be collecting Foundables

The basic elevator pitch of the Wizards Unite is this: a calamity has befallen the wizarding world, which has caused magical artefacts, creatures and people, to appear in the Muggle World – dubbed Foundables. As a result, it’s your job to reveal traces of magic, and return the various Foundabels scattered across your map. Sounds easy enough, right?

Casting spells isn’t just about accuracy

Speed is equally important when casting spells in Wizards Unite. Once you’ve completed tracing the shape on your screen, you will be ranked on both speed and accuracy – the combination of which will determine how strong your attack ultimately is.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite screenshots
These are some of the screens you’ll be seeing during your journey

Make the most of your Dark Detectors

Much like the Lures in Pokémon Go, Dark Detectors will help attract rarer traces for about 30 minutes. The only difference here is that you don’t attach them to yourself directly, but to one of the Inns that you visit during your travels. As a result, our advice is to only set one down when you know you won’t be moving on for a little while, or else it’ll have gone to waste. 

Visit plenty of Inns and Greenhouses

Acting in a similar vein to Pokestops in Pokémon Go, Wizards Unite has both Inns and Greenhouses. The former will provide items to increase your stamina/magical energy to continue on your quest, while the latter will help you obtain ingredients necessary for making potions (unlocked at later levels) and boosting your own power. There are also larger Fortresses, where you can do battle with magical creatures either alone or with a group of up to five people. You will require a Runestone to enter, though. 

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Still confused? Check out the game in action!

Choose your profession wisely

Once you hit level six in the game, you’ll be able to choose between one of three classes. Read up on them now so you’re prepared once you get there:

  • Auror: As expected, very combat heavy – focused around Defence Against the Dark Arts. The best class for defeating dark forces.
  • Professor: Professors are more centred on spell-casting and magical knowledge – which makes them the best person to tackle the Curiosities enemy type.
  • Magizoologist: A more tank-like support class, best at both taking down all sorts of magical creatures and healing teammates.

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