On Wednesday night, disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein showed up an event for young performers in lower Manhattan. The nauseating cretin and his entourage were attending Actor’s Hour — a monthly event “dedicated to artists” at Downtime bar.
One brave comedian, Kelly Bachman, refused to let his vile presence go unnoticed. In an act of pure valiance, called him out on stage, referring to him both as “the elephant in the room” and “Freddy Krueger.”
Footage of the ordeal surfaced on Twitter.
“I didn’t know we had to bring our own Mace and rape whistles to Actor’s Hour,” shared Bachman in the footage. You can footage of the incident below.
Keep getting new followers today is it because my tweets are so fire? lol fuck Weinstein and thanks @ambercrollo ILY #mysecondtweet pic.twitter.com/hLjWn5VM8Y
— Kelly Bachman (@bellykachman) October 24, 2019
Another comedian, Amber Crollo, relayed the events of the night in a series of tweets.
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“I was shocked to see him out, but not because I thought he would have shame, he is a sociopath and clearly has no shame. I’m shocked because he was invited to an event put on by and for artists,” she shared.
“Not only was he invited he was supported. My friend and bad ass comedian @bellykachman was performing on the show and when she went after “Freddy Krueger” SHE was booed and told to shut up.”
“Some people didn’t realize what was going on, some artists knew and were scared and some were outright supporting this fucking serial rapist monster.”
Amber then went on to explain that during the show, one woman vocalised her disdain about Weinstein being in attendance. That woman was consequently kicked out of the venue.
“At the show’s intermission a woman started yelling about him being there. She was shouting and crying and seemed to be the only sane person there. SHE was kicked out. What the actual fuck?!”
“Let me explain that one more time, an event that was supposed to support actors and artists invited a serial rapist who has ruined at least 87 actors lives and supported that monster over an actor in the room. They supported HIM over all the actors in the room.”
You can read her entire account of the situation here.