Meal kit company Hello Fresh has dropped MAFS star Amanda Micallef after a “homophobic” Instagram story and previous revenge porn charges were bought to their attention.

In February, it was reported that Amanda was charged with distributing intimate images and videos. Then, last month, she questioned a Melbourne bar for having a “female and non-binary” bathroom, in an Instagram story.

“How do we feel about a man who considers himself non-binary walking into a female toilet?” she said in an IG video.

She added: “Might as well just do gender-neutral toilets and really scare away a lot of people in a child-friendly business.

So Dramatic! shared a DM from a concerned anonymous social media user, asking if Hello Fresh were aware that an influencer they are working with “was charged with revenge porn earlier this year.”

The message continued, “The same influencer also shared some pretty homophobic views about gender-neutral bathrooms recently as well. If you are aware, is this a view that HelloFresh also shares and supports?”

So Dramatic shared this Hello Fresh message about the MAFS star

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Hello Fresh allegedly responded by saying that they cut ties with Amanda in light of the message.

“HelloFresh does not condone homophobic behaviour or harassment of any kind and we’re disappointed to learn about the allegations concerning Amanda Micallef. Our partnership with Amanda has now ended, and we do not intend to pursue any further work with her,” the reply read.

The other message So Dramatic shared

Amanda was one of the many influencers that Hello Fresh partner with in order to promote their product on social media.

Amanda appeared on season seven of MAFS, and made up one half of the first same-sex couple to feature on the show. Her partner Tash Herz and her constantly butted heads throughout their time on the show, and left the show part way through.

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