If the past pedigree of Raw Comedy finalists is any indication, then the 2018 RAW Comedy National Grand Final will be a collection of some of the funniest young comedians in our country, with the likes of Josh Thomas, Tom Ballard, Hannah Gadsby, Celia Pacquola, Luke McGregor and more having braved the stage during past finals.

The finals happen at Melbourne Town Hall on April 15, with tickets costing between $29 and $36.50 – and will feature the below finalists.

Good luck to all, and remember: the secret to comedy is being funny.

Australian Capital Territory

Emma Holland

New South Wales

Rebecca Melrose & Sian Smyth

Northern Territory

Ryan McArthur


Bronwyn Kuss

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South Australia

Alex Hall-Evans


Jane New


Gavin Sempel & Scout Boxall

Western Australia

Emmanuel Majok



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