Australians are getting excited about the possibility of flying internationally again but four major airlines have joined forces to warn about ending up on a ‘no fly list’ this Christmas season. 

As the airline industry tries to return to some form of normality, customers will be subject to a strict zero-tolerance policy to prohibit bad behaviour on flights.

It’s part of a new campaign launched by Qantas, Virgin, Jetstar, and Rex Airlines, called ‘No More Carry On’ (see what they did there?). The airlines felt it was a necessary move after a recent increase in reports of “offensive and disorderly incidents” in airports and on planes.

“While the majority of passengers were doing the right thing, during the pandemic there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people behaving badly, despite the reduction in passenger numbers,” Australian Airports Association chief executive James Goodwin told

“We understand many travellers may be anxious about flying again with so many new rules and Covid-19 regulations, but it’s important any frustrations are not taken out on airport staff who are working harder than ever to ensure the safety of all passengers.”

It’s definitely not worth your time testing out the zero-tolerance policy – as well as being placed on a ‘no fly list’, those caught acting up face a fine of up to $11,100, which would really put a dent in the Christmas budget. So act chill if you’re flying this Christmas and just be thankful that flying anywhere is a possibility at all!

Not that some listened. As Rex Airlines deputy chairman John Sharp told Today, a big incident occurred just last week. “A passenger turned up late for their flight and missed it … They were so upset, they picked up one of the poles you have in the lines up to the check in counter, and threw it at the check in counter,” he revealed.

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“It managed to miss the staff, but it actually knocked over the computer monitors in the process of doing that. That’s not an isolated incident, that is happening regularly throughout our industry at the moment.”

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