There has been a debate raging in Australia for a while now, and it’s time to settle it. Which Mexican fast food franchise is better; Guzman Y Gomez, or Mad Mex?

The answer: Guzman Y Gomez. Although some disagree – and they’re allowed their opinions, they’re wrong.

Come with me on a journey, as we discuss why Mad Mex believers are full of lies, and you probably should never trust their opinions on food.

Guzman Y Gomez Mad Mex

The stores

Walking into Mad Mex is like walking into a badly decorated cafeteria. There is nothing appealing about seeing a bunch of scrambled egg in a gastro container under hot lights when you’re hungry.

Whereas walking into Guzman Y Gomez is actually nice. The cooking stations are away from the counter, there is a clear service and food preparation area. It just looks cleaner.

The menus

There are two reasons why Guzman really wins this round. First, the variety of their menu, is far superior. Not only do they have an entire kids specific menu, they also have a far more exciting range of Mexican staples. Mad Mex on the other hand has a much simpler menu. Focus on their menu is put on variations of the same types of meal. Who wants four different options of tortilla for their taco? I’d rather a different option of meal.

Another reason why Guzman wins this round is Mad Mex’s consistent need to put lettuce in all of their meals. Seriously, who really wants lettuce on their nachos? Who bites into a warm burrito and thinks “Damn, that warm soggy lettuce is good!”.



Guzman has for a long time been considered the more authentic Mexican fast food option. Whilst still not a perfect representation of the country’s food culture, there’s no denying that it’s doing a lot better than Mad Mex. Lettuce in a burrito? Honestly?

Value for money

The final reason why Guzman is far superior to Mad Mex is of course the value for money. Whilst most GYG products are slightly higher priced than their Mad Mex counterparts, you have to consider whether that extra 50 cents is worth it. For this author it is. That extra money ensures a more authentic and enjoyable meal. That extra money ensures that most of my nachos isn’t going to be a mountain of lettuce.

Guzman enchilada

Whatever your personal beliefs on this matter, there is only one right choice when it comes to picking your next Mexican fast food meal. Just know, if you go to Mad Mex, just know that the only person you’re truly hurting is yourself.

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