Join Kath & Kim icon Jane Turner and Puberty Blues favouriteBrenna Harding as a mother-daughter duo explores the cringeworthy notions of growing up and growing old.The Australian premiere of April De Angelis’ West End hit Jumpy is directed by Pamela Rabeand is set to play at the Sydney Opera House.

Coming to terms with middle age, a stale marriage and looming unemployment, Turner’s character Hilary explores the perils of a midlife crisis with a glass or two ofchardonnay. Tilly, played by Harding, tests the boundaries of being 15 withrebellion, promiscuity and sneering maternal contempt.

Joining the cast is a list of Aussie favorites incudingCaroline Brazier, David Tredinnick, Laurence Boxhall, John Lloyd Fillingham, Tariro Mavondo and Dylan Watson.

British playwrightApril De Angelis’ Jumpy premiered at the Royal Court Theatre in 2012.

Jumpy will run from Thursday March 26 – Saturday May 16 at theDrama Theatre, Sydney Opera House. Tickets can be purchased from the Sydney Theatre Company.

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