The relationship I have with Japanese soufflé pancakes can be likened to those pseudo-romantic rendezvous one experiences in their own mind with strangers on public transport.
Y’know, the ones where you catch the eye of a gorgeous, sphinxlike stranger for a transient moment. Then you spend the rest of the trip convincing yourself that this person, who you’re never going to have the cajones to look at again, is the one that will bring you divine fulfilment forever. These supple, fluffy pancakes evoke that same feeling.
I think, at some point, I convinced myself that in this lifetime I would never actually get to TASTE one of the sumptuous creations. That I would go through this existence simply assuming that the act of consuming one of these blissful sweets would send me into a state of pure euphoria. I never anticipated that I would have the opportunity to wrap my gob around one.
This is all about to change. Those plump little eggy beasts will be making there way to Australia next month for the night noodle markets.
KumoKumo is bringing Japanese soufflé pancakes to Australia for the first-ever time, and by god do their creations look like an emulation of heaven.
The purveyors of all things fluff plan to offer us a selection of the most divine flavour incantations known to man. Original pancakes with whipped butter and Jarrah honey, tiramisu with espresso cream, Kahlua, and mascarpone, Uji matcha with red bean paste, creme brulee with custard, cassonate sugar, and berry compote, and black sugar boba with cream, black sugar, and boba will all be on the menu. I am beside myself.
‘s specialty, however, is their Japanese soft serve. Inspired by the cult ‘Cremia’ from Japane the ice cream is made with 25% cream and has a 10% milkfat content whereas your average soft-serve milkfat content is around 6-8%. This makes for the most opulent, creamy ice cream experience on this green earth.
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Nothing has ever convinced me to drag my ass to a noodle market and spend an ungodly amount of time waiting in line for food quite like this.
Kumokumo arrives at Sydney Night Noodle Markets on October 11-18, Melbourne Night Noodle Markets on November 7-24, and Brisbane and Perth in 2020.