We owe so much to Jimmy Brings. The booze delivery legends have announced a cracker new competition that could see you and the homies score a six month supply of piss, all you need to do is pass the Jimmy Brings Vibe Check.
The winner of the Jimmy Brings Vibe Check competition will score a $2,000 voucher to spend on whatever you please. As coronavirus continues to spike across NSW I have a feeling that another lockdown is imminent (I also wear aluminium hats for fun) so we think a renaissance of drinking at each other’s homes is bound to come back in a big way.
To enter the competition you just gotta put your best foot forward and your most potent vibes on display. Chuck a photo of you and your mates up on the gram, tag @jimmybrings and hashtag #JBVIBECHECK. It’s as simple as that.
We don’t know what makes for a good Jimmy Brings vibe but we guess like, those who embody 6-pack larrikinism probably have a better chance than those that down a bottle of $40 tempranillo in an hour and a half because they read The Age of Surveillance Capitalism and are too paranoid to be inside their own bodies without the aid of a numbing tipple.
The competition is open now and closes on August 16th, 2020 at midnight. You can find all the essential details here.
In the spirit of to-your-door alcohol delivery, why not check out our guide to the best pre-mixed cocktails that you can indulge in without getting off the couch?