Fight for your right!
There is no longer anything funny about Mike Baird and the restrictive practices he has put in place that are slowly suffocating Sydney’s live music scene and creative arts. There’s no real joke to be made any more. We’re still fighting, and we’re still hanging in there, but goddamn is the man trying to stuff things up for the music scene in this fair city or what?
To tell ol’ Bairdy exactly what we think of him and his draconian laws, head over to the upcoming Keep Sydney Open rally on Sunday October 9. The rally will feature an amazing lineup of speakers and performers, so expect it to be a perfect opportunity to prove to ole mate #CasinoMike exactly what his lockout laws sit in direct opposition to – i.e. the incredible cultural life of this city. It’s happening at Belmore Park, and kicks off at noon.
For more information, head to the Keep Sydney Open page, here.