Krispy Kreme have teamed with The Simpsons to launch Australia’s first official Simpsons doughnut, or rather, the d’ohnut. We’re surprised it’s taken this long.
And in a neat marketing twist, if your surname happens to be ‘Simpson’, you can grab a free D’ohnut from any Krispy Kreme store this Thursday, March 29. You’ll have to show ID though, obviously.
As for the actual food item itself, the official description explains: “Starting with the classic Krispy Kreme Original Glazedä, the doughnut is dipped in strawberry-flavoured white chocolate truffle to achieve the unmistakable pink hue. And of course, no Simpsons D’ohnut would be complete without coloured sprinkles.”
The D’ohnut will be available from all Krispy Kreme and 7-Eleven stores until April 30, when the remaining ones will be placed on a contraception and force-fed to one lucky competition winner, as seen below.