Kyle Sandilands and Jackie-O were dumped from the air during a strange interview with radio broadcaster Alan Jones this morning.
The hosts were chatting to Alan on the Kyle and Jackie-O show when the show was cut off due to inappropriate content. The trio were midway through their chat about eating out, cars and homes and the show suddenly stopped and switch to approximately nine minutes of ads. A prerecorded alert then played that informed listeners the audio had been “dumped”.
“This means someone said something inappropriate and is currently getting in trouble,” the message announced.
After the lengthy break, Kyle and Jackie-O returned, but Alan was gone. “We were going into weird territory – comparing cars and homes – then the show got dumped,” Kyle told listeners.
Dumping takes place when a radio show isn’t able to censor certain parts of a conversation in the 45 second delay between the time it’s recorded and broadcasted.
“If it’s a beep, it’s fine, but if it’s a dump, it’s a different story altogether,” Jackie-O said.
Kyle added: “It wasn’t a big deal, as far as I’m concerned, but -” before being dumped again.
When Kyle returned he told listeners that his lawyers had advised him to leave the show for the day.
“The communication, when it breaks down internally, anything can happen,’ he said.
“So it’s too dangerous for me. My lawyer said “pull yourself off the air until everyone is singing from the same hymn book”.
“It’s no good telling me and Jackie one thing and telling the staff…,” he added before being beeped out again.
Kyle then told his co-host that he was going home for the day, and wasn’t sure if he would be back on air next week.
“[I’ll be off air] until we know what’s going on here. I can’t stand [censored]. And then I’m told [censored]. It’s a mess. I don’t want to let the rest of you down, but you know how it is. It’s like jumping out of a plane with no parachute, it’s not easy.”
He added, “and if I’m not back Monday, it didn’t work out well for me.”
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