Rise and shine ladies and gentleman we are so lucky to be living on the same timeline as Kylie Jenner. Jenner has just dropped another, subtle reminder that we will never, ever, possess the power that she has. The makeup monolith has just trademarked the phrase “rise and shine.”
The fact that Miss. Kylie Jenner has the power to command the English language with such might makes all the conquerers before her look like little puny little wimps. The way that she is able to capitalise on literally anything deems her worthy of knighthood.
In the hours following the video reaching the highest echelons of meme culture, Kylie pounced on it and dropped merch. Releasing two hoodies, embellished with the lullaby, “rise and shine”. Of course, they’ve already sold out. Dream sweet, capitalist dreams Stormi.
The rise and shine video was so notorious that it broke a TikTok record — the only records anyone should care about. It was the fastest ever video to hit one-billion plays.