Prepare to feel it in your fingers, and feel it in your toes, because Love Actually is set to be reimagined on the live stage. There really is only one way to celebrate the silly season, and that’s through experiencing the film’s iconic soundtrack live with a full orchestra.
Hamer Hall will be hosting two very special screenings of the iconic film on the 15th of December. You’ll be able to revel in the stilted chemistry of Martin Freeman and Joanna Page as they awkwardly root to an orchestral cacophony.
It’s the perfect opportunity to remind yourself that, although you may be a bit of a piece of shit for leaving Christmas shopping to the last minute and consequently buying your family garbage presents they don’t need from the Myer emporium — that you’ll never be as gronky as the guy from the film that tries to steal Keira Knightly off his best mate. Fuck that guy.
The live orchestra show is now an annual event across the UK, because of course it is. The 2018 instalment of the show sold out across the country. For a few blissful hours, you’ll be able to forget that you’re spending Christmas in the sweltering shitbox that is Australia, so grab yourself a 7/11 egg and cress sambo and pretend, just for a moment, that you’re spending a white, sludgy Christmas in the UK.
Ticket information and other details below.
Watch: Love Actually – ‘Christmas Is All Around’
Tickets on sale now, available here.
15th December, 2019 – 3.30pm and 7.30pm
(film rated M – Sexual references, Nudity, Low level coarse language)