Northern Pictures has the ball rolling on their next project after Love on the Spectrum breathed new life into the reality dating genre.
Northern Pictures, the production company behind Love on the Spectrum, has set their sights on a new story to tell based on relationships, dating, and friendship. The production company has started a casting call for the whole of Australia, with anyone in the country welcome to apply for the upcoming show.
Director and Producer Cian O’Clery recently spoke with Tropic Now about their upcoming series and how it looks to follow a similar structure but this time with a wider variety of people.
“It is in a similar territory, it’s still about dating and it’s still exploring relationships but this time it’s a much broader range of people from all walks of life,” he said.
“It’s really important for us to have a really diverse group of people so we have people from all kinds of communities to reflect the diversity of Australia.”
“Anyone who is new to the world of dating in some way – whether it’s their first-ever date, or maybe it’s their first date since a major change in their life – we want to hear from them.”
Cian specifically stated that the show wanted to explore stories outside of the major cities, which has taken their production to Far North Queensland.
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“We want to tell stories that aren’t based in the major cities,” Cian said.
“We go wherever people are, so we tell people’s stories in their homes and their towns.
“We film people going on dates in beautiful spots and we make sure the show looks really nice.
“We’d love to showcase the Cairns area and we’d definitely love to shoot there over Winter!”
Cian went on to talk about what separates their approach from other shows in the genre and how they plan on taking this approach for the upcoming project.
“It’s about getting to know someone really well and tell their story, which adds to that level of engagement for the audience,” Cian said.
“We’re not trying to stitch anyone up, we’re not looking for manufactured conflict or drama.”
“We try to match people with someone they’ll get along with, because we want genuine connections whether its romance or a friendship.
“We want to make something that’s very real.”
To apply, send an email to [email protected]. Include a picture of yourself and tell them a little bit about your story.
For more information about Northern Pictures, head to their website.