If you’ve been watching MAFS over the past week or so, you’ll know all about Claire and Adam’s secret kiss which happened behind their partner’s backs. If you’ve been watching the show since the start, you’ll also know that Alyssa confessed to previously being the other woman in a real-life affair.
The latter piece of information has left viewers confused about why she has been so outspoken against Claire and Adams’s affair.
Fortunately, the reality star popped onto Fitzy & Wippa radio show this morning, and she explained that the MAFS affair “triggered” old feelings from the six-month affair she had with a married man.
“I was just a bit triggered just because, you know, I had been gaslit and manipulated before as well,” Alyssa said of Claire and Adam’s actions. “I think as a society, we’ve come so far to be able to name that language and be able to kind of, you know, say what a narcissist is. And yeah, it just”
When pressed for further information about her affair, and what happened, Alyssa explained that her ex told her the marriage wasn’t really, and that they were only together for a visa.
“Look, there’s a lot of context that they edit out, obviously, you can see that I had a full page of notes. The truth of it is, is that I, the man that I had an affair with, he told me that the marriage wasn’t real. He told me that it was for a visa that it was for a green card, there was a bit of power imbalance at play,” she said.
Alyssa continued, “It was over 12 years ago. So I was very young and naive. And you know, I’ve learned that lesson, and I’ve grown from that. And that’s why I’m so triggered by that manipulation, and that gaslighting because I’ve been there before.”
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She added, “I was gassed. manipulated by this narcissistic man. And obviously, when you’re in that situation it’s very hard if you haven’t, you know been gaslight and manipulated in that kind of relationship before because you want to believe this person, this person you think that you love them you know their love bombing you, you know they’re telling you that you’re the one and you know they’re spending 24/7 with you, of course, they’re going to try to believe that. And then when you find out that it’s all a lie, it’s heartbreaking.”
During last night’s commitment ceremony, the 35-year-old lashed out at both Claire and Adam and said she couldn’t look at either of them, following their secret kiss. She told the hosts that as well as bringing up her trauma, she was trying to protect her friend Janelle.
“I was backing Janelle, I was backing Janelle And you know, she told me before going into this, I don’t know if I can do it. I don’t know if I can face it. You know, can you please help me be my voice? So I was like absolutely I can,” she said.
“You know, afterwards, I really wish I wouldn’t have been so hard on Claire because I can see that she was clearly manipulated by Adam. And then also, you know, with Duncan supporting Adam, like John said, You’re not always going to be friends with your partner’s friends and you just have to, you know, hopefully not make that end the relationships.”
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