Selina Chhaur, who starred in MAFS season nine, has ranked this year’s couples by who she thinks will make it to the end of the season, and who won’t.

The reality star told Yahoo Lifestyle Australia that she has high hopes for Tahnee and Ollie who are her “favourite couple” and she thinks will make “the cutest babies”.

Selina went on to call Alyssa and Duncan “SO CUTE”, comment that she doesn’t think Adam and Janelle have “too much of a cultural clash” and compare Melinda and Layton to Tamara and Brent from her season. She added that she thinks Claire and Jesse have “too many differences to work through” and thinks Melissa “might be a bit much” for Josh.

Check out Selina Chhaur’s full ranking of MAFS season ten couples, ordered from who she thinks is more likely to make it, to who she thinks will definitely split.

1. Tahnee and Ollie

2. Lyndall and Cameron

3. Alyssa and Duncan

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4. Caitlin and Shannon 

5. Melinda and Layton

6. Janelle and Adam

7. Bronte and Harrison

8. Melissa and Josh

9. Claire and Jesse

10. Sandy and Dan

The new season of MAFS is just two weeks in, and there has already been a lot of scandals, and it looks like there are more to come in the next few episodes.

An MAFS contestant – who indicated that he wanted to leave to go back to his ex-girlfriend– might just have been booted off by producers. Viewers of the reality show were left shocked when Shannon Adams told his wife Caitlin that he was still in love with his ex-partner Jamea Drake.

A source told So Dramatic!, that Shannon did indeed decide to leave the show shortly after his and Caitlin’s honeymoon, telling his on-screen wife that he still had feelings for his ex-fiancee.

However, some sources have alleged that Shannon was actually asked to leave by the producers after his behaviour towards Caitlin reportedly turned toxic.

“Shannon told people when he got off the show that he was asked to leave the first Commitment Ceremony because the experts thought he was being toxic,” a source reportedly told So Dramatic!. They were, however, unsure whether it was ‘just for a break in the night, the Commitment Ceremony, or the whole show.’

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