The new season of MAFS is almost upon us and it looks as though it will be spicier than ever. According to a source, the upcoming installment will actively encourage brides and grooms to partner swap with one another.
Daily Mail Australia has reported that MAFS season 10 will feature a taste where the cast members are asked to swap partners for a short amount of time.
The relationships ‘will be tested like never before when a partner-swapping task is introduced,’ an on-set source told the publication.
They added; “They’ve really upped the ante this year. They made different couples swap partners for three days and it was hell for all involved.”
“‘I don’t know if it was because there were too many couples in the end and they just wanted to test who was genuine or not, or they just wanted to shake things up.”
“Some participants refused to do it. They didn’t see the point of it and were like, “No way this would happen on the outside world.”‘
The source said that the partner-swapping activity will happen at Skye Suites, the Sydney apartment building where MAFS is filmed, and the participants will have to do “their best to avoid temptation.”
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Inspiration for the partner-swapping test could have come from previous seasons where brides and grooms have strayed and had “affairs” with other contestants that they weren’t paired up with.
The first “cheating scandal” happened in season five when Davina Rankin and Dean Wells struck up a connection behind their partners’ backs. Next, in season six, Innes Basic and Sam Ball had an extramarital affair. Jess Power and Dan Webb, Coco Stedman and Cameron Dunne and Daniel Holmes and Carolina Schimidt all struck up relationships outside their assigned couples in subsequent seasons.
MAFS season 10 is currently filming and while the air date is yet to be confirmed, it’s expected to premiere early next year.
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