Yet another case of white men being oppressed, will the injustice ever end? Footage has emerged of a man in a New York bagel store unleashing on the female race for rejecting him because of his short stature.
In the video posted to Twitter, the middle-aged hunk of spunk in a salacious fit of joggers, shoes and striped polo launched into a tirade at Bagel Boss in New York, justifying why he believes it’s okay to “degrade women.”
“Degrade — why is it OK for women to say, ‘Oh you’re five feet on dating sites, you should be dead’, That’s OK?”
The woman filming young Napoleon proceeded to ask him, “Who said that to you here? Nobody.”
“Women, in general, have said it on dating sites. You think I’m making that shit up. Everywhere I go I get the same fucking smirk with the biting lip.”
Another customer interrupted his spiel, beckoning, “Dude, calm down,” to which he responded, “Shut your mouth. You’re not God or my father or my boss.”
The situation then escalated, the man threw down the gauntlet, challenging a customer to “step outside” and daring him to “go ahead and attack me.” Which, unfortunately for our vertically challenged friend, is exactly what happened.
It’s just, so ridiculously New York. Watch the incredible footage below.
Men, us women don’t care about your height, we care about the way you carry yourself. Danny DeVito and his infinite chutzpah could make any woman weak at the knees and he clocks in at 4 foot 8. I just have a gut feeling that degrading women for, y’know, existing, might not win many over. We hope that after getting KO’d into oblivion, this guy reassesses his seduction techniques.