If you thought that Robert Pattinson catching coronavirus whilst on set for The Batman was the most despicably ironic thing to happen during this pandemic, this is gonna knock your socks off. Photos from a botched Melbourne hotel quarantine have been released and the whole palaver happened on… Rona Walk.
As the ABC reports, a former police officer raised concerns to Victorian Police Officers regarding how staff at the Pan Pacific Hotel at South Wharf were guarding guests in quarantine.
“Tim, we have quarantined people out again this morning, you will see one has tried to enter the convenience store,” the former officer wrote in an email.
The former officer attached pictures of those pesky quar-escapees, writing “I happen (sic) to see one guest go down Rona Walk and stand in front of urban hub (sic).
“The guard went and spoke to him and he went back into the exclusion area.”
In a separate email, he told Victoria Police Commander Tim Tully that a guest at the hotel had visited a nearby cafe. “From my observations the exclusion zones are being poorly managed,” he wrote. “We even saw what looked like someone with a takeaway coffee.”
The pictures of the quarantined guests leaving the hotel have since were then forwarded to Assistant Commissioner Mick Grainger, who passed on the information to senior bureaucrats at the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Although snitching is one of the ugliest personality traits one can have, after how royally fucked Victoria was by the repercussions of shitty hotel quarantine, I’ll make this an exception to the rule.