A world-first study is looking for 100 Australians to jack off on their period in the name of science. If you think that you’ve got what it takes to venture into the world of “menstrubation,” this is for you.

Luxury sex toy brand Womanizer has linked up with menstrual cup heroes Lunette in a scientific study analysing the benefits of masturbating during menstruation. The companies are looking for 1,000 participants across the world — 100 fro Australia — to take part in a three-month study. All those chosen for the mighty quest will receive a free Womanizer Starlet vibrator and a Lunette Menstrual Cup.

If you are lucky enough to have a brain that doesn’t require the assistance of SSRI’s to chug along, thus making it impossible to make like Usher and reach a climax, I can not stress to you what a fantastic initiative this is. You’re getting a free sex toy and all you have to do is… use said sex toy. Also a menstrual cup! Toilet paper stuffed waddles to the hygiene aisle of your local Woolies are a thing of the past my friends.

The study has two goals. The first is to help people understand the magic of masturbation and menstruation. The second is to prove that orgasms are actually an effective method of reducing period pain.

The study is only available for those 18 years and over. Participants will be required to complete five short, completely anonymous surveys. You’ll just need to give them your address so that they can send you your goodies. We’re sure after these two months of isolation your beloved wrists need a break.

If this is up your straza, head to the menstrubation  survey website here. You’ll have just need to answer two questions pertaining to your period pain and voila. Make sure to sign up before May 15, 2020.

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