Word Travels’ Multilingual Poetry Slam will take place amidst Harmony Week celebrations in Sydney this year.

As part of Harmony Week and World Poetry Day celebrations, Word Travels will be putting on their annual Multilingual Poetry Slam next week. The event will celebrate the diversity of languages present within Sydney by calling on performers to share their poetry, stories, lyrics and monologues to spark a diverse conversation.

The slam will offer the perfect platform for more marginalised members of the community to step up and speak up about their ideas of identity, culture, community and language as well as give community members an opportunity to share creative ideas.

The slam will be hosted by ABC RN presenter Sunil Badami, and feature a performance from Somali poet Hani Aden, who was recently released from Christmas Island.

The Multilingual Poetry Slam will be at Customs House in Circular Quay on Friday March 20. You can register as a performer or as an audience member through Word Travels’ website.

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