Friends, we are gathered here today to mourn the death of Sydney, Australia.
Sydney, our beloved municipality, has been laid low by a consortium of snot-nosed crypto-fascists; God-fearing suits terrified of frenzied ‘coward punch’ headlines and the wrath of their corporate sponsors.
If our belovedcity had died a natural death, perhaps it would be appropriate to remember its glory days; to reminisce about the golden years in which live music blossomed, and significant Australian artists cut their teeth in the public eye. If it had come to an end quietly, and with dignity, we might now call upon memories of our once-great international reputation as a centre for fun, and creativity, and energy.
But Sydney did not die a peaceful death. Sydney was murdered. Sydney was stripped of its dignity and pride and then strangled, slowly, robbed of bars and clubs. Worse still, its corpse has been defiled, turned into an international punchline, as countries that have introduced effective and intelligent anti-violence legislation mock the prohibition that killed our city.
They got what they wanted.
Posted by Keep Sydney Open onSunday, February 7, 2016
Its murderers have still not yet been called to trial. They continue to enjoy positions of power; worse still, they cite empty, useless statistics about crime rates falling. “Now it can’t hurt anyone,” they say of our fallen city, nudging the lifeless corpse with the toes of their polished loafers, while around the corner, out of sight, violence soars in the casino that has been granted exemption.
Now is not the time for tears, though many of us left jobless would no doubt like to shed them. Now is the time for anger. Now is the time for raised voices, and petitions, and marches in the street. Now is the time for resistance; for strong words and stronger still rebuttals against those who characterise our complaints as ‘hysterical’.
Now is the time for logic, and sense. For though Sydney is dead, it does not have to stay that way. There is always time for rebirth. There is always time to reverse the mistakes of the past. There is always time to point to the murderers, and their bloodied hands, and say in a single, united voice: ‘This is not the way it has to be.’
Our city has been slain, but there is time to revive it.
Sydney is dead.
Long live Sydney.
Keep Sydney Open is hosting a rally this Sunday February 21, departing from Belmore Park next to Central at 12:30pm. It will include a mock funeral at Bar Century for the jobs and venues lost to the lockouts. The time for revival is now, so get involved.