Most things aren’t creepy when you write about them on a blissful Monday morning. But, most things aren’t The Min Min Lights, a reoccurring and unexplained phenomenon that’s been witnessed since before European settlement in Australia; that remains creepy no matter what.

Now, an Australian paranormal organisation has set out to get to the bottom of the mystery in their forthcoming documentary, ‘Search For The Min Min’, expected to drop later this year. The doco follows director Don Meers as he meanders throughout the Outback in search of answers.

The Min Min Lights are balls of light that appears out of nowhere, and vanish just as quickly. People have reported the light chasing them, keeping pace with moving cars. Some have attempted to shoot the light, resulting in it vanishing only to reappear soon after. There are also several stories of people who attempted to chase the light, only to never be seen again.

The lights have been described as both bright, but also dim, white, but also changing colours from red to green but always disc-shaped and slightly above the horizon. The phenomenon got it’s name after being observed by a a farmer, based in Min Min between Boulia and Winton in Western Queensland, all the way back in 1912.

Over the years, Science has attempted to explain away The Min Min Lights but none of the explanations – from refraction to Geophysical lights to Bioluminescence – really seem to do it justice and as such, Australian’s thirst for answers only deepens.

This will be the third film to come from Australien Skies, a home-grown paranormal documentary series, so you know this team well and truly has their head around the weirdness of paranormal Australia.

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