After claims that Kim Kardashian caused damage to the Marilyn Monroe dress she adorned at the Met Gala, a Ripley’s rep debunks the rumour.

There have recently been claims that Kim Kardashian damaged Marilyn Monroe’s dress while wearing it at the 2022 Met Gala. This claim has now been refuted by a Ripley’s Believe It or Not rep, “A report written on the dress’s condition in early 2017 states, “a number of the seams are pulled and worn. This is not surprising given how delicate the material is. There is puckering at the back by the hooks and eyes,” among other instances of damage.” The rep was citing the damage that had already been done to the fabric well before Kim wore it.

Amanda Joiner, Ripley’s VP of Publishing and Licensing, who was with Kim and the dress the entire day of The Met, says, “From the bottom of the Met steps, where Kim got into the dress, to the top where it was returned, the dress was in the same condition it started in.”

The original rumour tried to frame a picture of the dress taken years ago as a before picture, while Ripley’s reps say the “before” picture is from before the dress was bought by the group.

kim kardashian marilyn monroe dress
Image: @marilynmonroecollection

Separate concerns have also arisen from the event, centered around unrealistic body standards that Kim Kardashian set for her fans.

Riverdale star, Lili Reinhart, called out Kim Kardashian for promoting unhealthy body standards for her audience and bragging about starving herself to fit into a dress for the Met Gala. Reinhart, who has spoken in the past about body image, and how social media affects it, was not happy about Kim’s remarks and took to her Instagram stories to express her disdain.

“Lili Reinhart calls out Kim Kardashian after she boasted about losing 16 pounds in three weeks for the #MetGala: “The ignorance is other-worldly and disgusting. Please stop supporting these stupid, harmful celebrities whose entire image revolves around their bodies.””

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Lili’s comments were posted over what appears to be a close-up image of jeans with her caption over the top.

“To walk on a red carpet and do an interview where you say how starving you are… because you haven’t eaten carbs in the last month… all to fit in a fucking dress?”

“So wrong. So fucked on 100s of levels.

To openly admit to starving yourself for the sake of the Met Gala. When you know very well that millions of young men and women are looking up to you and listening to your every word.”

“The ignorance is other-worldly and disgusting.

Please stop supporting these stupid, harmful celebrities whose entire image revolves around their bodies.”

“I am not generally an angry person but I swear to god, the toxicity of this industry sometimes really gets to me and I have to do my little Instagram-story rants to release my rage.”

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