When details of the Beavis and Butt-Head reboot was confirmed a mere fortnight ago, fans were asking for a King of the Hill reboot.
“Good luck but Beavis and Butt-Head won’t work these days. Please do KOTH or SpyKids,” one fan posted on Twitter.
It seems their prayers were answered, with creators Greg Daniels and Mike Judge discussing their new animation venture, Bandera Entertainment, with The Hollywood Reporter.
“We were very excited to go into different tones and different styles and try to expand the animation art form,” Daniels told the publication.
“We’re in a golden age for content, right? That’s animation, too. That was one of the things we were talking about in founding the company: ‘Let’s push animation into all these different genres.'”
There are more than a dozen animated series in various stages of development, according to the The Hollywood Reporter.
And it all started from King of the Hill reunion panels, where the pair would discuss people they had worked with in the past and the explosion of interest in animation.
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Now they’re working alongside former YouTube head of originals Dustin Davis on Bad Crimes, a “adult animation dark comedy procedural” starring Nicole Byers with 10 episodes slated for Netflix.
They’re also working on “a very funny children’s show” with Sacha Baron Cohen, Alison Bechdel’s Dykes to Watch Out For with Carrie Brownstein, a show Daniels describes as “if Breaking Bad was a half-hour comedy”.
The most-anticipated show in the stable, though, is former Fox favourite, King of the Hill.
At the moment there’s no details – no release date, plot synopsis or voice casting.
There’s certainly no indication whether Bobby is all grown up.
Of course, Luanne Leanne Platter Kleinschmidt was originally voiced by Brittany Murphy, who died suddenly in 2009.
USAToday fact-checked a reboot rumour as recently as January 10th, saying Fox Entertainment and Walt Disney Television, who owned the rights to King of the Hill, said there were no plans to reboot the series.