The Oxford English Dictionary has just announced the addition of over a hundred film-related words. Legendary film auteurs David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino and Steven Spielberg have all had their names turned to adjectives.

Terms such as Lynchian, Tarantinoesque, Spielbergian, Kubrickian, Atmanesque and Capraesque are no officially part of the dictionary.

Check out some of the definitions below.

Lynchian:  Characteristic, reminiscent, or imitative of the films or television work of David Lynch. Lynch is noted for juxtaposing surreal or sinister elements with mundane, everyday environments, and for using compelling visual images to emphasize a dreamlike quality of mystery or menace.

Tarantinoesque: Resembling or imitative of the films of Quentin Tarantino; characteristic or reminiscent of these films.
Tarantino’s films are typically characterized by graphic and stylized violence, non-linear storylines, cineliterate references, satirical themes, and sharp dialogue.

Kubrickian: Meticulous perfectionism, mastery of the technical aspects of film-making, and atmospheric visual style in films across a range of genres.

Spielbergian:  Of, relating to, or characteristic of the films of Steven Spielberg, esp. as having fantastical or humanist themes or a sentimental feel.

Other additions to the Dictionary include “mumblecore”, “Scream queen”, “Shaky Cam” and “Not in Kansas anymore”

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