Oxjam, the month-long music festival raising money to help Oxfam fight poverty around the world, will return to Australia this August.

The event has been running for nearly a decade in the United Kingdom and has attracted celebrity support from the likes ofColdplay, Fatboy Slim, and Hot Chip.

Last year 12,000 attended more than 180 Oxjam gigs across the nation raising thousands of dollars for Oxfam Australia’s work, and now in it’s second year the festival is set to be even bigger.

The Australia-wide DIY music festival will feature hundreds of locally organised music events, including three headline events in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

ARIA award-winners Megan Washington and Art vs Science have been announced as the first officialOxjam ambassadors. As always anyone can be an Oxjam Gig Maker – everyone from venues, party promoters and music fans can get involved.

The full lineup for Oxjam launch events will be announced later this month. To sign up as a gig maker register on the Oxjam website.

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