If you were planning to race your T-Bird at Thunder Road for pink slips this weekend, you’ve picked a terrible time of year to do so, as double demerits started this morning at the strike of midnight.
They will be in force until January 1, at which point the cops are encouraging motorists to recommence driving recklessly. (Obviously they didn’t say that.)
Here’s the actual notice, as per the NSW cops.
Double Demerits
The demerit point system provides an incentive for drivers to improve their driving behaviour, obey road rules and comply with NSW traffic laws. The double demerit point scheme applies for the following types of offences:
- Speeding
- Illegal use of mobile phones
- Not wearing a seatbelt
- Riding without a helmet
By law, double demerit periods must be advertised and awareness campaigns are co-ordinated with traditional enforcement and increased police numbers.