Coronavirus, or CO-VID19, has pretty much taken over everything. With many people going into isolation in hopes of slowing the virus, we are curious as to what you’re up to.
Coronavirus: a respiratory virus that originally broke out in Wuhan, China, or alternatively, the virus that is causing the world to cancel practically everything. Coachella? Postponed. Download Festival? Cancelled. The entire country of Italy? On lockdown.
While the Australian government has discouraged large events from happening, and the U.S. has gone full-on state of emergency, many of us are left to our lonesome at home waiting for this virus to slow down and disappear.
As the virus continues to spread worldwide, the CDC (Centers For Disease Control And Prevention) is asking those who are sick to stay home, even if you’re unsure if it is Coronavirus, or not.
It has also been suggested that healthy people stay out of public areas, since you can have the virus for up to a week without showing symptoms, meaning that many people are holing themselves up at home in hopes that it will stop the spread of the virus.
With virologists urging Australians to gather essential groceries, and the shelves seemingly bare when it comes to toilet paper and other necessities, we wonder how you’re faring with Coronavirus fears.
Have you got a massive stock pile of toilet paper that you’re refusing to share with anyone? Are you the one who bought all of the pasta from the local Woolies? Did you go bananas for tinned food at Coles?
What about your plans? Are you having to work at home because your office has cancelled all meetings? Have you been forced to stay home because you’re actually ill?
What are you up to at home during this isolation? Let us know below!
How are you handling Coronavirus isolation?