Following the highly acclaimed 1998 film version, Radiance returns to the Aussie spotlight in 2015, this time taking the stage and bringing the reincarnated classic to a fresh theatre audience.
After the death of their mother, three sisters seperated by age, distance and time are reunited in their Queenslander family home in the tropics. Emotions run high as huge personalities are thrust under the one roof and it’s not long before the spirited trio unearth some family skeletons.
Taking on the role of both actor and director, theatre veteran Leah Purcell steers the story, along with co-stars Shari Sebbens and Miranda Tapsell (The Sapphires)through moments of lust rage and greif, producing a show that encompasses the vital elements of both family and humanity.
The show will run from Saturday January 3 – Sunday February 8 at Belvoir’s Upstairs Theatre.