Aussie comedian and broadcasting personality Scott Dooley is set to take over The Chaser’s Giant Dwarf venue with a series of ‘Scott Dooley And Friends’ variety nights starting next month.

Each of the four evenings will feature an all-star lineup of Dooley’s mates, including fellow comedians Tom Ballard and Matt Okine, musicians Will Wagner and One Day, and actor Brendan Cowell. The full schedule is:

Wednesday November 19
Tom Ballard
The Delta Riggs
Dayne Rathbone
Smart Casual
Charlie Clausen
Genevieve Hegney

Wednesday November 26
Dools’ secret best friend
One Day
Genevieve Fricker
Jonathan Schuster
Brendan Cowell
Katherine Hicks

Wednesday December 3
Matt Okine
Wil Wagner (The Smith Street Band)
Axis Of Awesome
Steen Raskopoulos
Penny Greenhaulgh
Veronica Milsom

Wednesday December 10
Nick Cody
Nina Las Vegas
Chris Taylor
Andrew Hansen
Anne Edmonds
Kate Mulvany
Special Music Friend TBA

For tickets, head to

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