Big Brother Australia star Skye Wheatley has revealed that she plans to get surgeries to fix her botched boob job. 

Big Brother Australia star Skye Wheatley has revealed that she plans to get more surgeries to fix her disastrous ‘double bubble’ boob job. This comes eight years after she initially went under the knife for the procedure – Wheatley claimed she’d been unable to afford the surgery until now. 

“I don’t know guys, it’s just easier for me to leave them. I’ve seen that many doctors and they all say something different,” she said in an Instagram Q&A. 

When fans suggested some names – including a popular surgeon – Wheatley revealed: “I had a consult with him and he suggested we go a bigger implant and that scares me because I kinda want smaller boobs but I would need a lift and I’m scared of the scars.” 

She then added: “I think I just need another appointment because I don’t think I want to go bigger, but I don’t know if a bigger implant will just give me more cleavage?”

Wheatley’s original surgery was the result of an Instagram promotional deal gone wrong. In 2015, Wheatley travelled to Thailand for a free breast enhancement surgery courtesy of the controversial medical makeovers company Medi Makeovers

Shortly after the procedure, however, Wheatley noticed a defined bump where her implant was supposed to be. 

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Wheatley sued the company for $35,000 in damages. She also detailed the harrowing experience and the aftermath on the series Trial by Kyle. Ultimately, though, she lost the laswuit because she had ‘defamed’ the company instead of promoting them, as agreed upon in her original contract. 

While her Instagram deals might be raking in the big bucks, her YouTube leaves a lot to be desired. Earlier this week, Wheatley revealed that she had only earned $100 in ad revenue from her YouTube channel – but that’s not including the money she would have made from branded deals. 

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