1.Your Profile

Lolo Lovina play inside a spotty red vintage caravan and sound like a cross between a small Roma (Gypsy) village in Serbia and swing jazz club in Paris 1920.

2.Keeping Busy

We will be in Europe for their summer this year! We look forward to playing in Barcelona, Berlin, Budapest, Brussels and Belgrade. We have been playing, recording and practising a lot so we are sounding oh so super hot right now.

3.Best Gig Ever

Shows at the Opera House are always super exciting. Apart from that, really our favourite shows are from Lolo the Gypsy Caravan Stage in front of the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre. Imagine 300-plus beautiful happy crazy dancing Newtownians in Newtopia – just divine!

4.Current Playlist

We are loving Besh O Drom from Budapest, Taraf de Haïdouks from Romania, Birelli on Gipsy swing guitar and The Rosenberg Trio.

5.Your Ultimate Rider

Lamb on a spit, boiled potatoes and home brewed rakija (usually we just end up with a few beers!)

Lolo Lovina play from Lolo the Gypsy Caravan Stage at Friday Night Vibes at Newtown Square on Friday April 1.

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