After a critically acclaimed season in 2013, Colin Thiele’s beloved classicStorm Boyis set to return to Sydney in April.

Adapted for the stage by Tom Holloway in a co-production by Sydney Theatre Company, Australian classicStorm Boy will be playing in Sydney in April and May before it embarks on an extensive tour to Wollongong, Geelong, Canberra, Mandurah and Perth.

Directed by Tom Sheedy, the production explores the final summer that Storm Boy spends with his father, Hideaway Tom, and deals with recurring themes of loss, grief and hope that will stay with the audience long after the curtains close.

Rory Potter will be reprising his title role from the first season for the Sydney leg of performances, but it will alternate between the young Kai Lewins and Otis Pavlovic for the remainder of the tour. Also joining them on stage will be Anthony Mayor, Peter O’Brien, Jimi Bani and Phil Dean Walford.

Storm Boy will play at Sydney Theatre Company from Friday April 24 – Sunday May 17.

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