Have you already exhausted your choice of board games from the cupboard during this time of social isolation? Fear no more as The Board Game Box has got you covered.

What have you been doing while we’re all stuck inside? Did you start reading that pile of books you’ve been meaning to read at some point? Have you been cleaning all the places in your house that you’ve neglected over the years?

With COVID-19 ruining all of our plans, many people have dug deep into their hall closets to find the dusty boxes of their forgotten board games. With no outside entertainment on hand, we are all having to resort to what we already have on hand to see us through these tough times.

It’s never been more important to have a good stock of board games at home to play with your partner and housemates. Forget your torn up Uno deck, and push boring ol’ Monopoly to the side, and get ready to greet some new games with The Board Game Box.

Simple as, all you have to do is sign up for one of their four options of monthly subscription times, and you’ll be on your way to playing games.

You don’t even have to worry about choosing a game to play, as the fellas at The Board Game Box will load you up with a new, fun pick each month of either newly released games or tried and true classics. There won’t be any arguing about who’s going to be providing the entertainment of the evening, as you’ll have plenty through each new game that shows up on your doorstep.

Board games not your cup of tea? Luckily, there are plenty of other subscriptions to choose from to keep you going – puzzle boxes, brick boxes, and even candy and beer is on offer.

You can find The Board Game Box and heaps of other subscriptions via their website.

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