Friday On My Mind, a series of free talks produced by AFTRS, will have the pleasure of hosting Damon Gameau this week.

Filmmaker Gameau is responsible for That Sugar Film, a film that examines and exposes the hidden sugars in so called healthy foods. It follows the actor, who had previously removed refined sugars from his diet, as he makes a point of eating only foods that are commonly perceived as healthy. That Sugar Film illustrates the profoundly negative impact a high sugar diet has on a healthy body.

Hosted by Luke Buckmaster, Gameau will share his thoughts on his career, how he made the transition from actor to filmmaker, and what he’s learned from the whole experience.

Friday On My Mind will take place this Friday May 1 at the AFTRS Theatre in Moore Park. The event is free, but seats are allocated on a first come, first served basis. For more information check out AFTRS’s website.

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