As we have reported, Woolworths are making a huge ecological leap by banning single use plastic bags in their stores across Australia today (June 20).
Of course, this will piss off a lot of idiots, which is why the SDA have had to launch a ‘Don’t Bag Retail Staff’ campaign, to remind these dicks not to be so dickish.
SDA National Secretary Gerard Dwyer said: “We welcome this positive change for the environment and remind customers to bring their own reusable bag or simply purchase one at the checkout.
“While we understand that some customers may be frustrated by this change, there is no excuse for abusive or violent behaviour towards retail staff.
“This will be a change for retail staff, but they should always follow safe work practices and report any abusive or violent behaviour from customers about the changes to their supervisor.
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“The SDA has and continues to consult with employers to ensure they are supporting staff through this change including providing training on the new rules and support for workers reporting incidents of abusive behaviour from customers.
“Retail workers should not have to bear the brunt of any abusive behaviour, just for following the new rules.”
So yeah. Don’t be a dick.
RELATED: A whale died after swallowing 80 plastic bags
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This is why…