This should induce a whole-body shiver for anyone who went to a conservative religious high school. A pamphlet offering 101 ways to say no to sex is doing the rounds on the internet and it is sheer chaos.
I am assuming we’re all adults that understand the fundamentals of consent and that simply saying “no” should be enough, so we’re not going to have that conversation. Instead, we’re going to revel in the glory of this truly incredible guide to saying no to ye ol’ s*ck and f*ck.
It really does hark back to my Christian high school sex education program, which, by the way, should be a catalyst for my entire school shutting down. We had to watch some video of an old mousy broad on the verge of hysterics attempt to brainwash our fifteen-year-old minds with propaganda about how if we had sex before marriage there is a 100% chance we would get a sexually transmitted disease and probably die. I’m not ganking this from the Mean Girls script either. If anyone can find me this video I will be eternally grateful.
Anyway this pamphlet, it’s perfect in every single way. It offers 101 truly insane ways to say NO to sex. As a 23-year-old who is so deeply insecure about acknowledging that I am a person that experiences menstruation, I will be borrowing from this faultless abstinence bible.
Almost every excuse rattled off deserves a Pulitzer, however, if I had to whittled it down to my absolute favourites they would be: “I know your reputation!”, “This isn’t what I had in mind”, “I’m scared”, and, “you’re crazy”.