Keen to get your mitts on some new Tim Tam flavours? Well, the masters over at Arnott’s want your help deciding what will come next: Double Choc Caramel Cream or Coconut Cream?

Whichever way you fancy, you can’t deny that a Tim Tam is just what you need to sweeten up your life right now. Things have been so bleak, lately, and biting into one of these chocolate coated biccies is just the trick for turning that frown upside down.

Arnott’s have offered us so many flavours of Tim Tam biscuits over the years, and they’re not slowing down yet as they’ve got two new, delicious flavours they’re working up, but they’re curious to see what you think of them.

The two new flavours they’re baking up are Double Choc Caramel Cream and Coconut Cream, which are accompanied by two animated Tim Tams that try their best to get you to vote for them.

Regardless of which ever flavour you fancy, the little animated biscuits might win you over with their looks alone, as the Coconut Cream biccy sports a Hawaiian shirt while sipping out of a coconut, while the Double Choc Caramel Cream guy is a suave looking fella with a caramel whip for hair.

Are you down for one of the ideas to come from their brainstorm? Then pop over to their website, and give voice your opinion for what Tim Tam you’d rather slam.

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